People Insights

SeekOut's People Insights feature gives you a bird's eye view of any talent pool. From any search, you can zoom out to see the aggregate data about those candidates' location, employers, titles, skills, employment history, diversity and more.

This feature is available for users with Essential, Professional, or Enterprise licenses.

What are Insights?

SeekOut's People Insights feature gives you a bird's eye view of any talent pool. From any search, you can zoom out to see the aggregate data about those candidates' location, employers, titles, skills, employment history, diversity and more.

Below is one example of a chart automatically created using People Insights.

Screenshot of example insights for "Tesla Motors" search

Share People Insights

Note: Exporting Insights is available to Professional and Enterprise license holders.

Use the Print and Export buttons at the top of the Insights page to share your insights report in the form of a printed document, PDF, or Excel spreadsheet.

Watch the video below for a full walkthrough on printing and exporting People Insights.

Accessing Insights

Select Insights from the left menu to see a list of insights reports you can run.

Screenshot of Insights tab in application

Insights about a company

Choose a region from the dropdown menu and enter the name of a company. Click Go to see insights about the company.

Screenshot of company insights option

Insights about a position

Choose a region from the dropdown menu and enter the name of a company and the name of a position. Click Go to see your insights.

Learn about a role in a city

Choose a region from the dropdown menu and enter a job title and a city or area. Click Go to see your insights.

Use the keyword field and filters

Choose a region from the dropdown menu and enter your keywords or Boolean strings. Click Go to see your insights.

Company Comparison Report

Note: Comparitive Insights are available to Enterprise license holders.

Choose a region from the dropdown menu and enter your company and one or more competitor companies. Click Generate Report to see your insights.

Company Comparisons have unique charts that contrast the differences between each company in fields such as diversity, location of talent, years of experience, and more.

Screenshot of company comparison insights charts

Diversity Sources Report

Choose a region from the dropdown menu, select a diversity tag, and enter your boolean or keywords. Click Generate Report to see your insights.

Create a Custom Report

Note: Custom Reports are available to Enterprise license holders.

Choose a region from the dropdown menu and enter your boolean or keywords. Use the Add More Filters dropdown to add other filters to your report such as Location, Current Title, Skills, and more.

Click Generate Report to see your insights.

Using People Insights to Source More Strategically

SeekOut customers use this information to recruit more strategically. These are the most common uses of People Insights:

Improve Your Searches

Typical search results focus in on individual candidates, but looking at candidates one-at-a-time can prevent you from seeing holes in your search strategy. Zooming out with People Insights lets you understand the bigger picture and adapt your search accordingly. Do the candidates coming back from your search have the appropriate range of current job titles or was your search constructed in a way that was far too broad or narrow? Did your search bring back the level of seniority you need for the role? Looking at the aggregate view of the search results can quickly show you where you need to adjust your search.

Collaborate with Hiring Managers

It's crucial to work effectively with hiring managers. People Insights helps you have a productive conversation with hiring managers to agree on the most important requirements of a role, improve job descriptions, and set expectations about the difficulty of filling specific roles. Our customers will enter the requirements from a JD into people insights and present the hiring manager with the results. Does the search bring back too many candidates? If so, collaborate with the hiring manager to agree on additional requirements to focus the results. Are there very few candidates available? If so, determine how to make the JD more realistic.

Understand the Talent Market

Instead of starting with a search, use People Insights to map the talent for your roles. Where do they live? What companies do they currently work for? Which schools or educational background can you target to outreach most effectively? People Insights provides you with answers to these questions so you can understand the talent landscape instead of searching without a strategy.

Analyze Competitors

People Insights gives you the ability to study your competition. You can understand the composition of their workforce – how many employees do they have in each role? Where are they located? What percentage are under-represented minorities? How many have a specific set of skills? and more. This helps you understand your talent gaps, sell vs. your competition, and outreach more effectively.